Thursday, May 13, 2010

Plan B Nausea For A Week

Official Official Official

..... why can not I have one more day a week or a couple of hours a day .....

Seriously .... I finally finished the entire collection for the school dance "Rhythm Dance" by Sandra Rossi ..... the show will be held in Casale Monferrato June 7, 2010 at the Theatre ....... and only after this date will show you the sweat of these 5 months of collaboration .... I can say is that mothers are very satisfied and I also .....

In the meantime I made so many little things that I hope to post soon ..... but wish to use this post to inform you that in the short reset of the courses signed

LCS - the handmade
Creations by Sarah

will be held at the council hall of my town, I have an appointment the monthly Sunday afternoon and then we are creating a group for Friday evening which will meet twice a month with a plan to achieve long-term (2 / 3 months ).... probably start with a patchwork quilt and then make appointments targeted ....

For the moment this is the best I can tell ..... but soon everything will be defined when we start ......

also continue the private meetings during the week (usually on the morning of Monday or Thursday) for those who want to engage in creative sewing, but do not know where to begin .......

This is the result obtained by Ms Rina this morning ....

This is the cookie jar that has made ........ She was satisfied and I also ...

Bacetti and good evening to all ... I'm going to bake the chocolate cake that I made with my two little girls ......


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