Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Answers To Ap Biology Lab 5 Cellular Respiration

Career members


List of activities in the role of director of construction company

• Work carried out under direct management of construction projects such as business owner construction. Description

1. Condominium in Sesto Calende-VA-Via Gramsci intervention where needed piling works and further measures to prevent infiltration of ground water in the subsoil, the building stood a few hundred meters from the lake and increased during the excavations were occurred, as required by the geological investigations, groundwater elevations, the structure was, however, made specific interventions and the inclusion of No 2 pumps, a 24-hour emergency and a 24 that allow a continuous reflux of the water induced upon which it is conveyed to the water present;

2. Discount Food Castelletto Sopra Ticino-NO-SS del Sempione n. 33;

3. Supermarket food Castelletto Sopra Ticino, NO-

4. No A residential villa located in Cadrezzate-VA-

5. No A residential villa located in the Sassi-VA-Mercallo.

6. No 6 Ville Castelletto Sopra Ticino, NO-Way Fallen freedom

7. No 4 Ville Castelletto Sopra Ticino, NO-angle via Palermo - Via Prati

8. No 2 Ville Castelletto Sopra Ticino, NO-Via Montello

9. No Villa No 1 + Paired 1-NO-Massino Visconti

10. No 3 Terraced houses Castelletto Sopra Ticino, NO-locality Cicognolo

11. Condominium Castelletto Sopra Ticino, NO-locality Cicognolo

12. 1,500 sqm industrial building in Osmaston

13. Residential apartments in Osmaston

14. Apartment complex in Gargallo-NO-

15. Building No 27 housing units in Mesenzana;

16. Shed about 200 square meters Brissago Valtravaglia;

17. Construction Mall in Domodossola-VB-;

18. Building No 55 residential units and 2,500 sq.m. for commercial use in

19. Construction of new shopping center in Mesenzana-VA-;

20. No restructuring 10 housing units in Castelletto S. Ticino-NO-;

21. Construction of new-car dealership in Germantown, VA;

22. Construction of new shopping center in Villadossola-VB-.

23. Building No 9 units (Ville) lakefront

Ispra-VA-24. N. 12 apartments in the sixth-VA-Calende;

25. N. Villas 2 combined in Sixth-VA-Calende.

buildings under way since 2009

• Work carried out under direct management of the yards


26. N. 4 villas and 14 apartments in Ispra-VA-

27. N. 1 Villa two families in Sesto Calende-VA-

building began construction 2009/2010


28. 7,500 sqm shopping centers in Brenta-VA-

29. N. 12 Apartments in Sesto Calende-VA-

Initiatives in analysis

30. N. 15 Villas in Ispra-VA-(eco-system development in bio energy
class "A")

31. N. 64 apartments and two floors of the basement of Old Town
Busto Arsizio (VA)

numerous real estate partnerships to expand distribution groups and collaboration with design department to the executive part.

List of activities carried out by owner and manager of technical collaboration with designers
, playing Freelancer and Technical Director of the company CEG
SpA of Milan.

• Due Diligence Due Diligence architecture - Italy


Due diligence of the Real Estate Company Assicurazioni Generali,
distributed on the national territory (about 80 properties).

Contracting authority / Customer Service Companies

• Data Room - Italy


Construction Data Room of the real estate company
Generali Properties SpA

Contracting authority / End customer
Generali Properties SpA

• Two Dilingence - Bari


Technical Due Diligence of property located in Via Sparano, Bari

Contracting authority / End customer
Redevco Italy

• Due Diligence - Milan
Description Due Diligence for acquisition
building in Via Porta Nuova, Milan

Contracting authority / End User Management

• Due Diligence - Montopoli (PI) Description

Due Diligence for new logistics center in Montopoli - Pisa

Contracting authority / end Customer Service Companies

• Feasibility study - Cortenuova (BG)
Feasibility study for the construction of a new shopping center on abandoned area in the municipality of Cortenuova - Bergamo

Contracting authority / End customer
Company Construction

• Procedures for expropriation for public use - Busto Arsizio (VA) Description

Occupations emergency operations on land and related areas of site Shared
Busto Arsizio (VA) and useful for the construction of new nursing home for elderly ;

Contracting authority / End customer
Municipality of Busto Arsizio (VA).

• Due Diligence plant - Cinisello Balsamo (MI)


Due Diligence systems and identification of maintenance of 60 thermal power stations of the town of
Ciniselo Balsamo - Milan

Contracting authority / End customer
Heat Management Company

• Procedures for expropriation for public use - Busto Arsizio (VA) Description

Employment emergency operations on land and related areas in site
Municipality of Busto Arsizio (VA) and useful for intervention EEP / ERP

Contracting authority / End customer
Municipality of Busto Arsizio (VA).

• Due Diligence plant - Bologna


control of suppliers of works and maintenance of property in Bologna Via Fioravanti
(lessee: Telecom Italy).

Contracting authority / End customer
Company service

• Due Diligence and plant architecture - Lombardia / Emilia Romagna


Due Diligence architectural and plant a lot of Lombardy and Emilia Romagna lot 6

Contracting authority / End customer

• Property valuation - Milan

• Due Diligence plant - Milan


Due Diligence of some thermal power plant in the province of Milan
participation in global service competition

Contracting authority / Customer Service Companies

• Due Diligence
plant - Milan


Due Diligence for property plant ERP Milan (reports on emergency measures and reports on the natural gas processing plants)

Contracting authority / End customer
Pirelli Real Estate SpA

• Due Diligence and plant architecture - Florence


Due Diligence for architectural and plant properties soc. Prada in Florence

Contracting authority / Customer Service Companies

• Due Diligence architecture - Italy


Due Diligence in the Real Estate company Assicurazioni Generali in Italy

Contracting authority / Customer Service Companies

• Survey plant - Montebelluna (TV)


pad heritage plant structures City of Montebelluna - Treviso

Contracting authority / End User Management Company

• Heat Relief plant - Arzignano (VI) Description

pad heritage plant facilities of the City of Arzignano - Vicenza

Body contracting / End User Management Company

• Due Diligence Administrative - Italy


Due Diligence administrative buildings of the Public Property Fund (FIP)

Contracting authority / Customer Service Companies

• Due Diligence - Italy


Due Diligence of property belonging to the bank S. Paolo - IMI

Contracting authority / Customer Service Companies

• Due Diligence architecture - Italy

Due Diligence
architectural part of the real estate company Generali Properties SpA

Contracting authority / Customer Service Companies

• Due Diligence - Bologna


Due Diligence of a building in Bologna

Telecom Agency contracting / Customer Service Companies

• Due Diligence Administrative - Milan


Due Diligence for administrative ERP A Lot of the City of Milan

Contracting authority / End customer
Pirelli Real Estate SpA

• Estimate real estate - Milan

• Property valuation - Milan

• Due Diligence - Bologna


Technical surveys for global service competition service energy ASL Bologna

Contracting authority / End User Management Company

• Due Diligence - Reggio Emilia


Technical surveys of global competition for energy service service ASL Reggio Emilia

Contracting authority / End User Management Company

• Due Diligence - Novi Ligure Description

Technical surveys for global service energy service race 22 of the Hospital of Novi Ligure - Alexandria

Contracting authority / End User Management Company

• Due Diligence - Novi Ligure


Technical surveys for race global service energy service 22 of the Hospital of Novi Ligure - Alexandria

Contracting authority / End User Management Company

• Due Diligence - Milan


Technical surveys for global service competition of energy technology service 'ALER

Contracting authority / End User Management Company

• Due Diligence - Milan


Due Diligence for calculating areas of real estate located in Segrate, Milan.

Contracting authority / End customer
General Insurance

• Procedures for expropriation for public use - Busto Arsizio (VA) Description

Occupations emergency operations on land and related areas situated in the Municipality of Busto
Arsizio and useful for implementation of road works;

Contracting authority / End customer
Municipality of Busto Arsizio (VA).

• Procedures for expropriation for public use - Busto Arsizio (VA) Description

Occupations emergency operations on land and related areas in site
Municipality of Busto Arsizio (VA) and useful for the extension to the Palace
of Justice;

Contracting authority / End customer
Municipality of Busto Arsizio (VA).


Preliminary description of new branches and executive employment agency

Contracting authority / End customer
• Design - Milano

• Design - Lachiarella

• Design - Saronno

• Design - Arcene

• Design - Cassano Magnano

• Design - Florence

• Design - Rovato

• Design - Calolziocorte

• Design - Lovere

• Design - Nogales

• Design - Viareggio

• Design - Avigliana

• Design - Cinisello Balsamo (MI)


Design for renovation of a retail PoltronesofĂ 
in Cinisello Balsamo - Milan

Contracting authority / End customer

• Design - Italy


Coordination of the design for the renovation of the showroom
Fiat 300 dealer Italy

Contracting authority / End customer
Fiat Auto SpA

• Design - Italy


design of furniture for the showroom of 300 Fiat dealers in Italy

Contracting authority / End customer
Fiat Auto SpA

• Design and Supervision Jobs - Sesto Calende (VA) Description

Project Supervision and new residential building in Sesto Calende (VA) Contract authority

/ Customer
final construction company.

• Design and construction management - Pogno (NO)


project and construction management of new tennis courts / soccer coverage
laminated wood, in the City of Pogno (NO).

Contracting authority / End customer
City Pogno (NO).

• Supervision - Ispra (VA) Description

new residential construction management in Ispra (VA)

Contracting authority / End customer
construction company.

• Design and Supervision of executive plans and new shopping centers


Design and Supervision of executive plans and new shopping centers in: •
Besano (VA);
• Crevoladossola (NO);
• Rostov on-Don (Russia);
• Malnate (VA);

Contracting authority / End customer
COOP Union Busto Arsizio / Varese

• Adaptation Law 626 supermarkets COOP Union


Adjustment to the Law of 626 supermarkets in: •
Lavena Ponte Tresa (VA);
• Busto Arsizio (VA);
• Gallarate (VA);
• Besozzo (VA);
• Saronno (VA);
• M. Cassano (VA);
• Lonate Pozzolo (VA);

Contracting authority / End customer
COOP Union Busto Arsizio / Varese

* Design and construction management of residential buildings and villas n: •
Busto Arsizio (VA);
• Gallarate (VA);
• Cardano al Campo (VA) •
Verghera (VA);
• Samarate (VA);
• Partition (CO);
• Ferno (VA);
• Varese;

• Design - Lombardia / Emilia Romagna


Planning for Restructuring Areas In / Self Banking Unicredit Banca
50 branches in Lombardy and Emilia Romagna

Contracting authority / End customer
Unicredit Banca

• Design - Milan


Detailed design for the renovation of the store H & M
in Piazza Duomo in Milan

Contracting authority / End customer
H & M

• Design - Brescia


Executive project for the construction of a new store H & M Brescia

Contracting authority / End customer
H & M

• Supervision - Cinisello Balsamo (MI)


Construction Management construction of the new store H & M at the new
Centre Commercial Auchan Cinisello Balsamo - Milan

Contracting authority / End customer
H & M

• Design - Lombardia / Emilia Romagna


Structural design for Restructuring Areas In / Self Banking 10 branches
Unicredit Banca in Lombardia and Emilia Romagna

Contracting authority / End customer
Unicredit Bank

• Design - Malpensa

Preliminary description for the construction of an accommodation-hotel
near the airport of Malpensa - Varese

Contracting authority / Customer Service Companies

• Load testing - Milan

• Design - Milan

• Design - Gessate (MI)

• Design - Vimercate (MI)

• Design - Varese

• Design - Milan

• Design and construction management - Cinisello Balsamo (MI)


design and site supervision for the construction of an underground parking
in the Municipality of Cinisello Balsamo - Milan

Contracting authority / Customer Service Companies

• Design and Supervision

• Design and construction management - Gavirate

• Design - Milan

• Design - Milan

Description On-site editing of the final design of the new hospital
Niguarda di Milano

Contracting authority / Customer Service Companies

• Practices Inventory - Garbagnate (MI)

Editorial Description
practice of piling new Hall Hospice in Garbagnate - Milan

Contracting authority / End customer

• Design - Rome


design and site supervision for the creation of Fiat Auto Show Room
Colaneri, Rome.

Contracting authority / End customer
Colaneri Auto SpA

• Design and construction management - Varese

• Design and construction management - Legnano

• Geotechnical Report - Bari

• Structural calculation - Naples

• Design and construction management - Lonate Pozzolo

• Design - Turin - Milan

• Report Geotechnical - Noicattaro

• Design - Rome

• Design - Cinisello Balsamo

• Design - Praja a Mare

• Design - Torino

• Design - San Donato Milanese

Surveys and Censuses

• Survey plant - Milan


Survey of the plant facilities compaction of Milan Central Station

Contracting authority / End customer
GrandiStazioni SpA

Census • State property - Italy


Agency Census of state property Lot 1 (Piemonte - Liguria - Valle d'Aosta), the Agency Lot 4 (Emilia Romagna - Marche) and the Agency Lot 5 (Tuscany - Umbria). First order to supply

Contracting authority / End customer
State Property

Census • State property - Lombardia / Piemonte


Census state property in Lombardy and Piedmont to the "Brick Project" of the State Property Agency contracting

/ Customer Service Companies

• Census plant - Rho / Pero


plant Census of As Built documentation graphics of the new Rho / Pero technical maintenance activities aimed at the future - Milan

Contracting authority / Customer Service Companies

Census • State property - Italy

Making an inventory of state property
Agency Lot 4 (Emilia Romagna - Marche), the Agency Lot 2 (Lombardia - Trentino Alto Adige) and the Agency Lot 7 (Campania - Molise - Abruzzo). Third Order of Contract authority provision

/ End customer
Generali Properties SpA

• Surveying and architecture - Cusago (MI)


Topographic and 1:50 scale architectural restoration project aimed at
Castle Cusago - Milan

Contracting authority / Customer Service Companies

• Surveying and architecture - Florence


Survey and practical advice on stacking the fruit and vegetable market of Florence

Contracting authority / Customer Service Companies

• Surveying and architecture - Italy


Disposal of assets according to INPS for sale to individual private users in Tuscany, Liguria, Emilia Romagna, Lombardy, Veneto and Piedmont

Contracting authority / Customer Service Companies

• Surveying and architecture - Milan


Architectural survey, topographic and photogrammetric aerial survey of the Station Milan Central

Contracting authority / End User Stations
Department SpA

• Surveying and architecture - North Italy


Architectural survey, topography and plant of 32 railway stations in Lombardy, Liguria and Piedmont.

Contracting authority / End customer
Centostazioni SpA

• Survey plant - Milan


Relief plant heritage of the Province of Milan of 130 power stations with a total of about 15,000 sqm

Contracting authority / End User
Province of Milan

• Architectural survey - Garbagnate (MI)


Architectural survey of a pavilion of the Ospedale Santa Corona Garbagnate - Milan

Contracting authority / End customer
Hospital Garbagnate

• Surveying and architecture - Milan


Topographic architecture of the building and one of the Italian in Milan's Via Ferrante Aporti

Contracting authority / Customer Service Companies

• Surveying and architecture - Milan


Relief topographical and architecture of a building in Milan's Via Kulishoff

Contracting authority / Customer Service Companies

• Surveying and architecture - Verona


Topographic and architecture of the barracks of Santa Marta in Verona

Contracting authority / End customer
Italian Army

• Surveying and architecture - Milan


Topographic and architectural of a building in Milan

Contracting authority / End customer

• relief topographical and architectural - Sydney


Topographic and architectural properties of some of the Banco di Brescia in Lombardy

Contracting authority / Customer Service Companies

• Architectural survey - Milan


Architectural survey Richard Ginori former area in Milan

Contracting authority / Customer Service Companies

• Surveying and architecture - Milan


Topographic and architecture of a building in Milan's Via Lepetit

Contracting authority / End Customer Service Companies

• Architectural survey - Milan


Architectural survey of the underground car park in Via Bagutta Milan

Contracting authority / Customer Service Companies

• Topographic and architectural - Milan


census activities of the assets of the University of Milan Bicocca

Contracting authority / Customer Service Companies

• Survey plant - Milan


survey and census facilities relating to real estate school in the Province of Milan for Contract Management Contract authority
/ End User Management Company

• topographical patterns - Milan

• Survey plant - Bologna


facilities Relief Sewage and Bellaria Maggiore Hospital of Bologna

Contracting authority / End User Management Company

• Surveying and architecture - Milan


Topographic and architecture of some buildings in Via Tortona in Milan
Contracting authority
/ Customer Service Companies

• Architectural survey - Milan


Architectural survey of the property area of \u200b\u200bthe former No. 1 Richard Ginori in Milan

Contracting authority / End customer
Company services

• Architectural survey - Perugia


Architectural survey of real estate assets of the University of Perugia

Contracting authority / End customer
University of Perugia

• Surveying - Lainate


Drafting of the topographic survey of the historical center of Laindon - Milan

Contracting authority / Customer Service Companies

• Surveying - Milan


Topographic survey of the exterior areas of the site within the complex ' Niguarda Hospital in Milan

Contracting authority / Customer Service Companies

• Survey plant - Milan


Relief plant for contract heat of the Prefecture of Milan

Contracting authority / End User Management Company

• Architectural survey - Tuscany


Architectural survey of bank branches located in Tuscany's Banca Popolare di Lodi

Contracting authority / Customer Service Companies

• Survey plant - Perugia


plant survey of real estate assets of the University of Perugia for a new global service

Contracting authority / End customer
University of Perugia

• Surveying - Milan

Topographic Description of the new area for Garibaldi the construction of the new headquarters of the Lombardy Region

Contracting authority / Customer Service Companies

Census • State property - Italy


Implementation of the Agency's inventory of state property Lot 1 (Piemonte - Liguria - Valle d'Aosta), the Agency Lot 2 (Lombardia - Trentino Alto Adige) and the Agency Lot 4 (Emilia Romagna - Marche). Second order delivery

Contracting authority / End customer
State Property

• Architectural survey - Milan


Architectural survey of a building in Via Ripamonti Milan

Contracting authority / Customer Service Companies

• Architectural survey - Milan


Implementation of architectural survey of some clinics of the Hospital Niguarda Milano

Contracting authority / End customer
Niguarda Hospital

• Verification Architectural - Italy


Activities verification techniques of real estate in a condominium owned by INA Vita SpA

Contracting authority / End customer
Generali Properties SpA

• Topographic - Milan


Topographic area heliport Niguarda hospital in Milan

Contracting authority / Customer Service Companies

• topographical patterns - Milan


topographical patterns for construction of the new Niguarda hospital in Milan

Contracting authority / Customer Service Companies

• Topographic and tracking - Piacenza


Topographic and tracking for the new logistics hub in Piacenza

Contracting authority / End customer
Generali Properties SpA

• Census assets - Italy


Census of assets owned properties in Italy Italferr

Contracting authority / End customer
Italferr SpA

• topographical patterns - Milan

implementation of the route surveying a construction site near Sesto San Giovanni-Milano

Contracting authority / End customer
Construction Company

• Surveying - Milan


Surveying for the construction enlargement Institute American School in Milan.

Contracting authority / Customer Service Companies

• Census assets - Perugia

Project Description

handling assets for the University of Perugia.

Contracting authority / End customer
University of Perugia

• Census - Italy


census ordered delivery of the IV plot for the State property assets located in Lombardy, Triveneto, Marche, Abruzzo and Molise.

Contracting authority / End customer
State Property

• I note the architectural and topographical - Milan


Architectural survey and layout design, for design purposes for a property located in Via Montenapoleone, Milan.

Contracting authority / End customer

• Architectural survey and topographical - Milan


architectural and topographical survey for the construction of the Holocaust Museum at Milan Central Station.

Contracting authority / End customer
Sole 24 ore

• Topographic and Cadastral - Milan


Surveying verification and register for American School of Opera, Milan.

Contracting authority / End customer
American School

Value Engineering, Budgeting and Cost Control

"Drafting bills of quantities - Moncton
Drafting bills of quantities for the construction of a new multiplex cinema UCG Moncalieri - Turin

Contracting authority / End customer
engineering company

"Drafting bills of quantities - Milan

" Drafting bills of quantities - Fiumicino

"Drafting bills of quantities - Settimo Torinese

"Drafting bills of quantities - Milan
Drafting bills of quantities for re-Isola, Milan.

Contracting authority / End customer
J & A

"Drafting bills of quantities - Milan
Editorial Description
surveys, preliminary and final, for ex-area Varesine City of Fashion, Milan.

Contracting authority / End customer
J & A


"Supervision - Sesto San Giovanni
Supervision plant for the production of a new shopping center in Sesto San Giovanni - Milan

Contracting authority / Customer Service Companies

"Designing global service competition - Reggio Emilia

Description Detailed design for the redevelopment of the thermal power plant Arcispedale Reggio Emilia

Contracting authority / End User Management Company

"Planning and Supervision - Foggia

Description Design and construction management for upgrading the technological and regulatory compliance of plant assets by about 100 power stations in the Province Foggia

Contracting authority / End User Management Company

»Planning - Melegnano

» Planning - Asti

»Planning - Catanzaro

" Design and construction management - Noicattaro

"Progettzione - Martina Franca

»Planning - Milan

" Energy analysis - Milan

"Designing global service competition - Montebelluna
design of interventions to improve the installations race for the global service for the municipality of Montebelluna - Treviso

Contracting authority / End User Management Company

"Designing global service competition - Mantova

" Designing global service competition - Arzignano

»Planning - Reggio Emilia

" global design competition service - Cremona

"Designing global service competition - Foggia

" Designing global service competition - Milan

"Designing global service competition - Novi Ligure

" Designing global service competition - Bologna

"Designing global service competition - Milan

" Designing global service competition - Monza

"Designing global service competition - Aquila

" Designing global service competition - Terni

"Designing global service competition - Brindisi

"Designing global service competition - Verona

» Planning - Valenzano

»Planning - Bari

» Planning - Milan

"Designing global service competition - Palermo

" global design competition service - Naples

"Designing global service competition - Lazio

" Designing global service competition - Paola

»Planning - Milan

" Designing global service competition - Monza

"Designing global service competition - Monza

"Designing global service competition - Milan

» Fire Prevention - Foggia

»Planning - Rome

» Planning - Bari

»Planning - Italy

" Energy analysis - Milan

»Fire Prevention - Bari

" Energy analysis - Milan

'Expertise plant - Milan

»Planning - Milan

» Planning Plant - Brescia

»Planning Plant - Milan

» Planning plant - Rome

»Planning Plant - Milan

'Facility Management - Bari

» Planning Plant - Milan

»Planning Plant - Italy

" Energy Certification - Milan


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